Thank you for landing on my website. If you would like to learn more about me please subscribe below. This website is mostly a personal blog for me to detail my life, upbringing, and the sexual deviancy of those closest to me. Please do not read my blog if conversations about rape, or sexual assault make you uncomfortable. This blog details my personal experiences, fantasies, and responses to my CSA. This is NSFW & should not be accessed by anyone who isn’t fully aware that this blog features stories of ME underage as my own personal blog detailing my experiences as a child, adolescent, and young adult. It does feature graphic descriptions of my own experiences with childhood SA.

Again, DO NOT read my blog or sign up for my blog if those topics offend you. Again, my blog is FANTASY only about myself, and my real childhood experience. In addition to my written blog I have detailed each post in voice as well so you can listen to me reading them for those who are hard of hearing or would like audio assistance.

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